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Here you can find the complete info about all integrations we provide. There are also instructions 'how to' here :)
How does the Slack integration work?
How to turn on the Slack integration?
What kind of data Calamari can have access to in Slack?
How to import employees from Slack?
How to request a time-off with Slack?
How to start and stop work from Slack?
How to start and stop a break with a Slack command?
How to log the time spent on a project via Slack?
How to check the list of absences with a Slack command?
How to check who is present with a Slack command?
How can I check available absence types in Slack?
How to log in with Slack? (Single Sign-On)
How does Calamari work with Google Workspace?
How to turn on integration with Google Workspace?
What kind of data Calamari can have access to in Google Workspace?
How can I import employees from Google Workspace?
How to solve common Google Workspace integration issues?
How can I change the colors in Google Calendar?
How to customize fields visible in the Calamari Google Calendar?
Out of Office feature in your Google Calendar
How to log in with Google Workspace? (Single Sign-On)
How does Calamari work with Microsoft 365 / Entra ID tools?
How to integrate Calamari with Microsoft 365 / Entra ID and MS Teams?
How to connect Calamari to MS Teams channels?
What kind of data Calamari can have access to in my Microsoft 365 / Entra ID?
How to log in with Microsoft 365 / Entra ID? (Single Sign-On)
I can not find all absences in the Outlook calendar, what to do?
How to import employees from Microsoft 365?