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How to set up abnormalities?

Learn how to set up identifying different irregularities in employees' timesheets

Agnieszka Popławska avatar
Written by Agnieszka Popławska
Updated this week

Calamari provides a set of abnormality settings that help HR teams monitor and manage employee attendance more effectively. These settings allow businesses to detect deviations from expected working hours and ensure compliance with company policies.

Below, we explore each type of abnormality and how it can be configured to support efficient workforce management.

How to set up abnormalities?

To set up an abnormalities policy, first review the work schedules assigned to the employees (Configuration → Work schedules).

Based on their scheduled working hours and your policy, you can define different abnormalities (Configuration → Abnormalities).

For each abnormality (except for working on a day off), you can also set up a buffer from 0 minutes to 120 minutes.

Abnormalities options

  • Shift duration

Worked Too Short

This abnormality appears when an employee’s total worked hours are shorter than the required duration. It helps ensure that employees meet their minimum work-hour requirements.

Worked Too Long

When an employee works beyond the expected shift duration, the system marks it as "Worked Too Long." This helps managers monitor overtime and prevent excessive working hours.

  • Scheduled 'from - to' hours


This abnormality is triggered when an employee starts their shift later than the scheduled time. It helps managers track punctuality and address recurring tardiness.

Finished Too Early

If an employee ends their shift before the expected time, Calamari flags it as "Finished Too Early." This setting is useful for identifying unapproved early departures.

Started Too Early

If an employee clocks in before their scheduled start time, Calamari records this as "Started Too Early." This can be helpful in managing adherence to official work hours.

  • Working on a day off (weekends, public holidays)

Work on Day Off

When an employee logs working hours on a designated day off, Calamari flags it as "Work on Day Off." This is crucial for tracking compliance with rest periods and labor regulations.

  • Other

Calamari also automatically detects abnormalities when an employee forgets to clock out or fails to report leave and misses a timesheet entry .


This abnormality occurs when a time entry is automatically closed by the system due to a missing clock-out or incomplete shift record. It prevents unintentional gaps in work logs.


If an employee does not register any work hours on a scheduled workday and has no planned leave for that day, Calamari marks it as an "Absence." This setting helps managers track attendance, identify "no call, no show" cases.

How to review abnormalities details?

  • Use Reports to review all abnormalities (Reports → Abnormalities)

  • Set up notifications or alerts for late arrivals - managers can set up the notifications in their profiles themselves or admins can adjust notifications preferences in user's profiles.

  • Check the Timesheet to see:

    • if an employee's attendance has any abnormalities, they will be marked with a yellow triangle.

    • if an employee's attendance has any missing details (such as days without attendance or unreported leaves), they will be marked in red.

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