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Declaration of working overtime and claiming overtime collection
Declaration of working overtime and claiming overtime collection
Kamil Wojewoda avatar
Written by Kamil Wojewoda
Updated over a year ago

This scenario assumes declaring overtime work and claiming overtime collection by applying for and approval of the requests.


An appropriate configuration of the types of absences should be created:

A) Overtime work


B) Overtime collection

  • Remember to select the option Remote work in the 'Consider as' field - thanks to this, the requests will not affect the working hours.

  • 'Duration unit' should be set in hours.

In the Accrual tab, in both cases set the 'Entitlement' as Undefined:

In the Requesting tab:

  • For Overtime work, set every calendar day.

  • For Overtime collection, set every working day.

  • We suggest setting the minimum leave duration within one day to 15 minutes in both cases.

In the Fields & Visibility tab (optional) you can set the Reason for absence field as required and visibility on the calendar:


Remember that (optionally) you can set up an alternative approval process, e.g. automatic approval of this type of request. The instruction can be found here.


In the Apply tab, employees will be able to declare overtime work and claim overtime collection within the current settlement period.

In the Requests tab, the employee can independently check the number of approved overtime (Overtime work) and the hours that he/she claims overtime collection in the current settlement period (Overtime collection).

Example: We are on July 15, 2022. The billing period in the company is one month. The employee would like to verify the number of approved Overtime work hours and the number of claimed Overtime collection hours so far.

In the Requests tab, the employee should select the appropriate filters:


1. Perspective of the approver while approving "Overtime collection" requests.

The status of approved Overtime work hours and the number of claimed Overtime collection hours so far can be checked by the approver in many ways:

a) Reports → Requests → we filter the report accordingly by selecting the employee, types of absences, and date range equal to the settlement period.


b) Reports → Payroll → we filter the report accordingly, selecting the employee, types of absences, and date range equal to the settlement period


c) Reports → Timesheet details → we filter the report accordingly by selecting the employee, types of absences, planned work time, working time, worked vs plan, and date range equal to the settlement period


2. The Manager/Admin perspective at the end of the billing period.

When closing the billing period, we suggest verifying the data by using the Timesheet details report. In this report, you can check the summary in one place:

  • approved Overtime work hours

  • claimed Overtime collection hours in the exact billing period

  • the actual balance of time worked


If your company allows you to claim overtime collection in the next billing period, please check this article:

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