Admin/Manager can check all the details about the clock in/out, hours and work plan for a particular employee.
Access to archived employee data.
Export to Excel file.
Timesheet details
Admin/Manager can check all the time events from Calamari within one report. Manage leave requests, timesheets, and projects in one place for more effective HR management.
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Admin/Manager can check the exact activity of employees including information about the time spent at work or on a break, the clock in/out method that was used to mark the presence and the exact GPS location if using the Mobile app terminal.
Access to archived employee data.
Export to Excel file.
This report shows information about undesirable situations. Admin/Manager can check who and when:
was late,
was absent,
worked too short or too long,
started or finished work too early,
worked on a day off,
if someone forgets to finish work, it will be reflected in this report in the column "Automatically closed"
Access to archived employee data.
Export to Excel file.
Presence list
Admin/Manager can find information about when an employee was present or absent.
Export to Excel file.
The Manager or Admin is able to check on how long employees spent on particular projects.
Access to archived employee data.
Export to Excel file.
Admin/Manager can see the list of all employees with details (name, surname, email, direct manager, approval flow, working week, holidays calendar, teams, hire date).
Access to archived employee data.
Export to Excel file.